
利哈伊碳社区学院 has planted 24 树 as part of an arboretum project funded by the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor through the Lehigh Valley Greenways Grant Program under the administration of the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Phase 1 of planting was completed in early December with 树 planted on the southwest side of campus near the Rothrock 图书馆 and Berrier Hall.

美洲穗树(Chionanthus Virginicus)

The fringe树 is a small deciduous 树 that is native to the eastern United States. It prefers full to part sun, and reaches a mature height and spread of 12 to 20 feet. 它有单独的雄树和雌树. 雄树和雌树在春天都会开出艳丽的白花. 在夏天,果实为各种鸟类和其他动物提供食物. The fringe树 has relatively low disease susceptibility, but may be attacked by emerald ash borer.

美洲穗树(Chionanthus Virginicus)

黑胶(Nyssa Sylvatica)

黑胶也被称为黑胶. It reaches a mature height of 30 to 50 feet and a mature spread of 20 to 30 feet. 它有缓慢到中等的生长速度,喜欢充分到部分的阳光. 它可以在各种土壤类型中生长, 包括酸性, 肥沃的, 潮湿的, 丰富的, 桑迪, 粉砂壤土, 和透水性良好的. 黑口香糖有迷人的秋天色彩, 叶子的颜色从黄色和橙色到红色和紫色不等. It has a small bluish-black fruit that ripens in late September and early October, 为鸟类和哺乳动物提供食物.

黑胶(Nyssa Sylvatica)


樱桃(Prunus serrulate)这棵树结出美丽的果实, 深粉红色重瓣花在春天, 和黄色, 橙色, 或是秋天的古铜色叶子. 其寿命为15至25年. 它喜欢充足的阳光,可以在各种土壤类型中生长, 包括酸性, 碱性, 粘土, 干旱, 肥沃的, 桑迪, 排水性好, 还是湿的. 它达到30至40英尺的成熟高度和30至40英尺的成熟蔓延. 这是一棵不结果子的樱桃树. As a strictly decorative 树, it has low value to wildlife, and is sensitive to pollution.


Dogwood blooms in April to May and has fruit that is eaten by many types of birds, 花栗鼠, 松鼠, 臭鼬, 兔子, 鹿. 它生长在阳光充足或部分阳光下. 成熟时可达20至25英尺高. 山茱萸生长在各种土壤中, 包括酸性, 粘土, 肥沃的, 潮湿的, 丰富的, 或排水良好, 是很受欢迎的园林树木.


美洲角树是山毛榉科的一种中等大小的树, 原产于北美东部. It likes partial to deep shade, and is considered to be an understory 树 in a forest. It reaches a mature height of 20 to 30 feet and a mature spread of 20 to 35 feet. 角树很难移植,而且对干旱很敏感, 热, 土壤压实, 虽然它能抵抗鹿的伤害.
角束是一些种类的燕尾蝶的幼虫寄主, 种子和芽是鸟类的食物来源, 松鼠, 狐狸. 角梁可以抵抗黑胡桃木(*),也可以抵抗风.


Red maple mature height: 40-60 feet; and it needs full or partial sun.



 橡木有好几个品种. 我们在这里描述白栎(栎). It reaches a mature height of 50 to 80 feet, and a mature spread of 50 to 80 feet. 它的增长速度是缓慢到中等. 橡树在充分阳光或部分阳光下生长良好,并且耐旱. 它们可以在酸性、干旱、潮湿和排水良好的土壤中生长. 橡子是各种野生动物极好的食物来源.


The quaking aspen is fast growing and reaches a mature height of 40 to 50 feet and a mature spread of 20 to 30 feet. 在秋天,树叶是亮黄色的. It likes full sun and can grow in acidic, 粘土, 肥沃的, 潮湿的, 桑迪, 或排水良好 土壤. Of all the 树 in North America, the quaking aspen has the widest natural range. 一旦种下,树就会从根部长出嫩芽. 这些克隆体将保持相互联系, 也就是说,一丛颤杨很可能都是彼此的克隆体.
树叶被雪蹄兔、鹿和麋鹿吃掉. 在合适的位置,颤动的白杨为海狸提供了建筑材料. 这些芽在冬天为一些鸟类提供食物,比如松鸡.
Quaking aspen are among the first 树 to repopulation a forest following a forest fire, 它们也被用来恢复过度砍伐的森林.

图片来源:Enn Li Photography / Getty Images


这棵树在四月开满了粉红色的花. 它喜欢阳光充足或部分阳光/阴影, 可以在各种土壤类型中生长,包括酸性土壤, 碱性, 肥沃的, 粘土, 潮湿的, 丰富的, 或砂质. 它喜欢生长在排水良好的土壤里. It will reach a mature height of 20 to 30 feet, and a mature spread of 25 to 35 feet. It is native to North American, though there are also varieties of redbud 树 in Europe and Asia.

红雪松(Junipernus Viginiana)

The red cedar is an evergreen 树 and grows best in full sunlight and open spaces. It has a medium growth rate and reaches 40 to 50 feet at maturity, with a spread of 8 to 20 feet. 它能忍受各种土壤, 包括酸性, 碱性, 粘土, 肥沃的, 潮湿的, 丰富的, 桑迪, 粉砂壤土, 和透水性良好的. 这种水果是雪松蜡翅的最爱. 树叶为麻雀、知更鸟、莺和反舌鸟提供了筑巢的场所.

Serviceberry (Amelanchier canada)

在宾夕法尼亚州,服务性浆果在4月开花,开着精致的白花. 秋天,树叶变成了红色和金色的阴影. 成熟时,这棵树有15到25英尺的高度和伸展. It grows well in both full and partial sun, and prefers acidic, 潮湿的, 排水性好 土壤. The red berries are eaten by birds in the summer, but are also used to make pies and preserves.


滑溜溜的榆树生长在美国东部和中部. 它达到了60英尺的成熟高度和50英尺的成熟蔓延. It prefers 潮湿的, 丰富的, deep 土壤, with variable pH, but can also be found growing in dryer 土壤s. 滑榆树在许多方面与美国榆树相似, 包括易患荷兰榆树病, 虽然没有那么严重. 由于树皮下的粘液层,它被称为“滑”榆树. 美洲原住民和拓荒者过去常常嚼树皮内部来解渴, 那时水不容易获得.
Birds and small animals eat the seeds, while 鹿 and 兔子 will eat the twigs. 这种木材可以用于商业家具, 尽管它被认为不如美国榆树.

甜湾白玉兰(Magnolia virginia)

这是另一棵开花的树, 虽然它通常在五月或六月开花, 霜冻对花朵的危害已经过去了. 它将达到10到20英尺的高度,传播范围为10到20英尺. 它有一个中等到快速的增长速度. 木兰喜欢阳光充足,但在部分阳光下也很好, 它们可以在各种土壤中生长, 包括酸性, 肥沃的, 潮湿的丰富, 桑迪, 粉砂壤土, 排水性好, 还是湿的. 秋天,它的红色果实为各种鸟类提供食物, 包括红眼雀, 蓝鸟, 鹌鹑, 和火鸡, 还有松鼠, 老鼠.


甜桉树需要足够的空间来发展根系. 它的成熟高度为60-70英尺,成熟宽度为40-50英尺. 它能在各种土壤中生长, 包括酸性, 粘土, 肥沃的, 潮湿的, 桑迪, 排水性好, 又湿. It likes full sun and has glossy green leaves that turn yellow, 橙色, red, and purple in fall. 种子被各种鸟类,花栗鼠,松鼠吃掉.

郁金香杨树(Liriodendron Tulipefera)

The tulip poplar, or tulip树, is a fast-growing 树 that can grow 24 inches per year. 它的成熟高度为70至90英尺,成熟的宽度约为40英尺. It prefers full sun, and grows well in acidic, 肥沃的, 桑迪, 排水性好, and 粘土 土壤s. Although it prefers a normal level of 潮湿的ure in the 土壤, it can tolerate some 干旱 conditions. 郁金香杨树在5月和6月开花.直径5-2英寸. 花瓣是黄绿色的,底部有一些橙色. The 树 provides food in the winter for animals such as white-tailed 鹿 and 兔子. 春天,红喉蜂鸟以花蜜为食.


梧桐(Platanus Occidentalis)

Sycamores can grow to a mature height of 75 to 90 feet, with a trunk diameter as large as 10 feet. 这棵树喜欢阳光充足, 虽然它更喜欢潮湿, 肥沃的土壤, 能容纳粘土, 沙子, 壤土, 碱性, 潮湿的土壤. It is pollution tolerant and moderately 干旱 tolerant, but is prone to pest and disease problems.

白松(Pinus Strobus)

White pines grow to a mature height of 50 to 80 feet, with a spread of 20 to 40 feet. 他们正在快速增长, with a height increase of around 24 inches per year and like full sun or part shade. They are easy to transplants but are sensitive to road salt, air pollution, 土壤压实. 白松为各种鸟类提供了筑巢的场所. Several animals eat the seeds, including black bears, 兔子, 松鼠, and many types of birds.


酸性- pH*小于7的物质. pH值越低,氢离子(H)浓度越高+). 相应的,有较低的羟基(OH)浓度).

碱性pH*大于7的物质. pH值越高,氢离子浓度越低. 相应的,有较高的羟基(OH)浓度)

黑色的 胡桃木 — produce a toxin called juglone that acts as an herbicide and can kill competing plants. It is an evolutionary protection within an environment, to keep from being out-competed for space. 有一些植物和树木与黑胡桃共同进化, 而且不受毒素影响.

粘土 土壤密集的, 主要由矿物颗粒形成的紧密堆积的土壤, 也就是说它几乎没有有机物质, 虽然它可以容纳钙, 钾, 和镁, 哪些是植物生长所需要的. 粘土能很好地保持水分,但也会被水浸透. 粘土很粘.

落叶 秋天落叶,春天长出新叶的树. “deciduous”的意思是“脱落”.”

δ** -平坦的地形, 通常呈三角形, 这是由沉积物堆积形成的, 特别是淤泥*. 三角洲通常形成于河流与流动较慢的水体交汇的地方. It is common to find deltas where the mouth of a river empties into a lake or ocean.

壤土/肥沃的-含有沙子、淤泥和粘土的土壤,最好是等量的. 壤土y 土壤 is considered to be the ideal 土壤 for gardens because it holds water and contains nutrients needed by most plants.


pH-氢的电势.pH值是氢离子(H)浓度的量度+在某种物质中. 氢离子浓度越高,pH值越低. 浓度越低,pH值越高. pH值从0到14. Distilled water, which has a pH of 7, has an equal concentration of hydrogen ions (H+)和羟基(OH)

淤泥—granular 土壤 in which the granular particles are larger than 粘土* and smaller than 沙子. 它主要由磨损的石英和长石组成. When dry, it feels like flour, when wet it forms what we typically refer to as mud. 泥沙可以由冰川和河流携带, 并且可以在存款中结算, 随着时间的推移, 可以建立新的土地吗, 比如delta *.

粉砂质 壤土—Descriptions vary, but 粉砂壤土 has about 50 to 85% silt, 0 to 25% 粘土, and 0 to 50% 沙子. This differs from 壤土, which has approximately equal amounts of silt, 粘土, and 沙子.

传播—This is a measure of how wide the 树 branches are, measured at the widest point of the 树. 测量从一侧开始, 然后直接穿过箱子的位置, 如果它延伸到那么远, 到树的另一边去.

下层植被 ——生长在森林主树冠下的树木. 这些可能是由于缺乏足够的光线而生长迟缓的树木, 或者对光照要求低的树木.

(*) An asterisk next to a word means that it is defined somewhere in the glossary.
(**) A double asterisk means that the word was used in the glossary and is defined, 但与植物园没有特别的关系.